Why professional cleanings in Nashua, NH matter for the health of your smile
You cannot have a healthy mouth without professional cleanings. Now, you may say, “But I brush my teeth at least two times every day, and I always floss. Why do I still need to visit the dentist for professional cleanings, especially when my teeth and gums feel and look fine?”
While good and consistent oral hygiene away from the Nashua, NH dental office of Nashua Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry is a “must,” even the most diligent and thorough brushers and flossers cannot remove all plaque from the teeth and gum line. When plaque builds up and becomes tartar or calculus, it can only be removed with specialized dental instruments in the skilled hands of well-trained professionals. Tartar is very stubborn. If tartar (and harmful bacteria) remains on the teeth, it will continue to erode at soft and hard tissues. This process threatens the health of your natural teeth and the healthy attachments between the teeth and gums.
What to expect
Generally, we recommend that patients have their teeth professionally cleaned at our office at least once every six months. You or a family member may need more frequent cleanings. You may be at increased risk of developing oral conditions, such as gum disease. Risk factors include smoking and comorbidities like diabetes. We may also schedule cleanings more frequently to resolve active or underlying diseases.
“Standard” cleanings generally involve removing bacteria, plaque, tartar, and surface stains from the teeth and at the gum line. As a biological practice designed around natural, safe, biocompatible, comfortable, gentle, and efficient techniques and treatments, at Nashua Cosmetic & Natural Dentistry, we also use advanced technologies such as laser dentistry to support pleasant and precision preventive procedures, including hygiene appointments.
Lasers are a non-invasive alternative to cutting and scraping tools. They remove bacteria and other harmful substances in a fast, accurate, and “light-touch” manner. So, they are an appropriate treatment aid even for children and even for those who have dental fear or anxiety. The appearance, sound, sensation, and even smell associated with traditional tools can be quite triggering for some patients. We get to know our patients and their needs well. That way, we design care around them that promotes a stress-free, healthy relationship with dentistry.
Oral health is a journey. Our non-judgmental, friendly, and professional approach to routine visits will keep you and your family returning to our office for the care that is necessary to be your best selves. (855) 363-3793.